
De Vrouw met de Baard

Power, Punk & Patriarchy 

Heleen van der Donck 

Location: Theater Bellevue – Klein Bellevue


duration of the performance: 30 min

Step into the Bearded Lady Café: a magical place where the worries of the outside world disappear. Here, with a song, a beer and a bitterbal, you can forget your misery for a little while.  

Let yourself be carried away by the story of the owner: a woman who chose to live proudly with her beard. How are you a woman, but with a beard? How do you balance shame and pride in a world that looks at you differently? And who actually decides what beauty is?  

Be welcome in the Bearded Lady Café, where, while cursing, laughing and yelling, pride can be found. 


Heleen van der Donck is a cabaret performer, songwriter, and theater maker. In 2022, she graduated from the Koningstheateracademie in Den Bosch. She plays with the intersections of punk and cabaret, where social engagement, anger, humor, and theater meet. In 2023, she already appeared at the Amsterdam Fringe Festival with her show ‘NO,’ her new show builds on her love for punk and cabaret. She was inspired by the life story of Clémentine Delait, a woman who one day made a bet, stopped removing her facial hair, and became a proud woman. With a beard. 


Performance & Text: Heleen van der Donck
Music: Mathijs de Valk
Direction: Daphne de Bruin
Scenography & Costume: Nina van Nieuwkoop
Technician: Kyle McLachlan