Fragments of a night during a constantly pounding techno beat
EN Day Archives:
dat wat ontembaar is
An endless battle, fought by a creature in a flowered dress
De Bonk
A pulsating mime-performance about queer rage and shame with an unavoidable radical rhythm
De Grote Gaslight Meta-Musical
A bizarre mini-meta-musical filled with dark humour and absurdist twists
Digital Manipulation
A circus duet that questions the relationship that many individuals have to their phones nowadays
Extremist Alice
Based on the true story of a brave transgender activist who fled from Russia to the Netherlands
How 2 Have a Happy Ending
Love lessons from a retired sex worker
12 Kisses Before Midnight
Do you remember your first kiss? Would you know when it’s your last?
Unearthing colonial violence below our feet by following the scratches in our wooden stage floors
i hope this finds you well
An electronic opera. A call into the void and a struggle for the right words.