Fragments of a night during a constantly pounding techno beat
EN Day Archives:
De Bonk
A pulsating mime-performance about queer rage and shame with an unavoidable radical rhythm
De Grote Gaslight Meta-Musical
A bizarre mini-meta-musical filled with dark humour and absurdist twists
Picture of an insatiable
Extremist Alice
Based on the true story of a brave transgender activist who fled from Russia to the Netherlands
12 Kisses Before Midnight
Do you remember your first kiss? Would you know when it’s your last?
i hope this finds you well
An electronic opera. A call into the void and a struggle for the right words.
A meditative spectacle between hypnotising shapes and new perspectives onto contemporary partner acrobatics.
A fairytale-like panic attack about the trauma of growing up
An uncomfortable confrontation with my mind that hasn’t been empty or quiet for years