Shrouded in fog, an audience becomes clouded in a conduit between nature, theatre, a nightclub
EN Genre Archives:
The pain of growth and the power of connection
Jongen, Je Moeder
A surrealistic theater performance with imposing dancing, live music and text, Rotterdam style: raw and full of (dark) humour
Cyborg DNA – Version Explicit
“From cryopreservation to hijacking of emotions. Through transcendental meditation visualizing a technologically enhanced cyborg-body.”
a theatrical social experiment about women’s suffering
11 3 8 7
Enter the new choreographic collective TREVOGA’s digital dystopia
REFRACTION [breaking light]
Personal and poetic portrait of two brothers in Breakin’
SuckerPunch is the piece that will knock down everything you thought you knew about masculinity
Den Mi Wesu
A deep dive into Afro-Caribbean Rhythm and Spirituality
De Vergadering
A performance about meetings and the people who attend them, shaped as an absurd comedy