We’re human together
EN Language Archives:
Fragments of a night during a constantly pounding techno beat
Als alles niet altijd zo mooi was
Absurd flavoured performance: Welcome to the age of tongue! Ingredients: flashy, pickled humour, fermented confrontation
Captivating performance about freedom through the eyes of Surinamese. Featuring humor, visuals, and combative music
Cowboy och Meisje
This is a story. A sad story. A very sad story. For real, very sad.
De Bonk
A pulsating mime-performance about queer rage and shame with an unavoidable radical rhythm
De Grote Gaslight Meta-Musical
A bizarre mini-meta-musical filled with dark humour and absurdist twists
De Vrouw met de Baard
Power, Punk & Patriarchy
Picture of an insatiable
Göbek Aşkı
The grey area between rejection and acceptance and the silent love languages in a Muslim family