Makers, writers, actors, directors, dramaturgs, scenographers, programmers, producers, technicians, and other performing arts professionals, come and join Makers* Monday!
read more11 days, 25 locations and more than 250 shows!
Amsterdam Fringe Festival presents a mix mash of theatre, performance art & dance by new, upcoming and untamed talent each year in September.
Makers, writers, actors, directors, dramaturgs, scenographers, programmers, producers, technicians, and other performing arts professionals, come and join Makers* Monday!
read moreAmsterdam Fringe Festival ends with a BANG, awarding 4 makers/collectives!
read moreA collaboration with writer Simone Zeefuik & visual artist Lamiae El Hajjaji. Download it for free now!
read moreThis year at Amsterdam Fringe we have a performance in Dutch Sign Language and a few performances that have a Dutch Sign Language Interpreter or speech-to-text provider present!
read moreAmsterdam Fringe Festival only knows winners! But some performances win something extra.
Our jury of professionals sees every show during the festival and chooses a couple of best performances. Three shows win the ‘Fringe at Best award’ (FAB award) and do not only get the honor and a spot at the next AFF, but also extra spots at other festivals to play their show.
One show wins the ‘International Bursery’, which gives the opportunity to play at Fringe festival abroad with a € 3000,- budet.
Winners of the awards in 2024 are:
– Fringe at Best: dat wat ontembaar is van Melisa Diktaş, Love Is Abundant van Pensive Vivifier en Noorderlicht van Jonathan Bonny & Theater Babel Rotterdam
– International Bursary: We play so hard it hurts van Fernando Troya – A Pelo Productions
Amsterdam Fringe Festival shows a mixmash of theatre, performance and dance from new, emerging and untamed talent for 11 days every September.
We present a multidisciplinary program of 57 makers/collectives, from diverse backgrounds, origins and futures.
Our showcase festival is a haven for experimentation and provides a stage for new creators and stories. Amsterdam Fringe Festival is an ode to theatrical madness, the independent spirit and a plea for artistic freedom. A thick, intimate embrace of experimentation in the truest sense of the word: one whose outcome may yet truly surprise you.
The next edition is the 20th! Amsterdam Fringe Festival emerged in 2005 around and on the fringes of the annual Netherlands Theatre Festival. Amsterdam Fringe Festival is distinguished from other fringe festivals by its open call and intensive mentoring of creators.
The Amsterdam Fringe Festival works with an open call system. You could subscribe from December 2, 2024 until January 13, 2025. In March, the Fringe team will make a selection.
Subscription is free, we have a open call form which you can find on our website by the start of December!
Check our website and socials for updates!
From Deldi to Delft, from Hollywood to Istanbul; Fringe is everywhere! There are more than 250 Fringe festivals in the world.
Although they all have their own artistic way, all Fringe festivals give space for new artistic encounters, cross-overs, experiment and genres.
This year, 2025, the Amsterdam Fringe Festival will turn 20 years! In 2005, the festival started at the fringes of Amsterdam, under the wings of the Netherlands Theatre Festival.
Nowadays, Amsterdam Fringe Festival is known for it’s open call system and the thorough way we guide the artists with workshops and coaching.
World Fringe is an initiative of the following Fringe festivals: Grahamstown, Hollywood, New York, Adelaide, Perth, Prague, Brighton, Edinburgh and Amsterdam. Together we reach millions of people en we create new opportunities for artists, public and sponsors.
The festivals work together in exchanging ‘Best Of Fringe’ shows, to create more opportunities for artists to perform internationally.
Since 2009, Amsterdam Fringe has exchanged with Brighton, Hollywood, South Africa, New York, Prague, Dublin, Edinburgh, Istanbul and Grahamstown Fringe.
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Questions regarding tickets:
Amsterdam Fringe Festival
Postbus 3985
1001 AT Amsterdam
Rombout Hogerbeetsstraat 109
1052 VW Amsterdam
Farnoosh Farnia
Festival Director
Ina de Boer
Business Manager
Nadieh Bindels
Head of Marketing
Willem van Rossum
Creative Producer (artists)
Sarah Marshall-Wever
Volunteers coordinator
Charlotte van Remmen
Location producer
Marketing & Ticketing
Sob Mutiara de Geus
Content Marketeer
Eva van der Weerd
Coördinator Arts Industry Office
Jülide Wijtvliet
Learning workplace marketing and communication
Nadine Dijkstra
Late Night Bar Producer
Tobias Kokkelmans
General Director Stichting de Theaterdagen & Dutch Theater Festival
Advisory Board
Fred Boot (voorzitter)
Rubina Boasman
Melih Gencboyaci
Nicolien Luttels
Eva Middelhoff
Marianne Versteegh
Stichting De Theaterdagen has an ANBI status for donations
KvK: 34236073
VAT number: NL8150.43.156.B.01
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