
Amsterdam  Fringe Method

The Amsterdam Fringe Festival has a unique way of selecting and guiding makers.  

Our methodology is designed for reaching out to a diverse group of artists, and providing them with the best possible, tailored and safe pathway to develop themselves further as professional artists.   

For Amsterdam Fringe, diversity means recognizing that every maker is different and therefore needs a different kind of guidance to flourish.   

Fringe creates a community of makers who can help each other by sharing network and expertise. Creating a safe and inspiring space for artists to meet, is crucial.  

We co-published our methodology with writer Simone Zeefuik. From mid-September onwards, it can be downloaded for free here. In English, because our network is international.   

This methodology is free to use by anyone. We hope it will inspire you.  

Would you like to know more?  

Do you want to collaborate, share knowledge or feedback?  


Thanks for your interest in the Amsterdam Fringe method!

After running the festival for 18 years, we have taken the time in 2024 to slow down, think and reflect on our working method; How do we connect to artists? Why is diversity so crucial for the arts? What does it mean to work on the fringes of the arts, of stories and the city? How do we lend artists a hand to take the next step in their professional careers?

With the help of writer Simone Zeefuik and visual storytelling agency ‘LAMEIAE‘ we have translated our methodology into a map that guides you through your brainstorm in a playful way. A moderator for your conversation, in game form.

For who?

For people interested in how to work within the arts, with an open mind.
For people who are willing to evaluate their ways of work or want to start brainstorming. For artists, people behind the screen, funds, leaders, students, and other interested parties.  

Why are we offering this method for free?

We feel the urgency to move towards an arts scene in which working in an inclusive way is a matter of fact. This needs work, needs re-thinking your practice and needs tools in order to make steps. With this game, we hope to give you tools to evaluate your practice in a playful way. You decide when you get to the finish line.


Let’s play!

How to use this map

This map is the imagined representation of our methodology. More specifically, it’s an invitation for interested parties, theatre directors, technical staff, artists, policy makers, costume designers, marketing wizards and other enthusiasts to come stroll or roll with us.

On this page, you can download the map and the associated elements (player cards, questions to be answered, audio files) to start playing the game.

Please do not expect to find a ready-to-use manual on how to start a festival, because this answer is different for everyone.
Use the map and game as a symbolic depiction of finding one’s way. And, of learning that ways, like conversations and time, are often non-linear.

When to use this map

As you can see in the images here, there are several players you can choose from: The Curious One, The Shiftin’ One, The Imaginative One and the Researching One. You choose which one of those fits you best.
You can use the map as a brainstorm whenever you want to start a project, rethink your own way, start a collaboration, need to get over a writer’s block, or whenever you want to challenge yourself to think outside of your bubble. In order to take these brave steps, we lend you a hand by inviting you to slow down, to answer questions which can help you broaden your perspectives.

Play this game alone or with others. Pause the game whenever you want, because some questions need more time to find the right answer to.





I want to know more

Are you interested in how Amsterdam Fringe works in practice, for instance, our vision on performing arts, how we select shows, how we create How2Fringe workshops, which partners we choose, etc, please contact us.
We’re more than happy to share our experience and start a conversation with you.
You can contact Fringe Director Farnoosh Farnia directly: farnoosh@amsterdamfringe.nl



I want to download and play

Download the full game by clicking the buttons below. Introductions of the four key characters and instructions on how to play are added to the document. Print the map and you’re ready to start. Play, brainstorm and explore the city. The audio files below will guide you on your journey! 



I want to receive the full package

If you want to play the game and use the method and you don’t want to print the documents below, send us an email with your address, and we will send you everything by mail for free (we only charge you for the stamps).
You can contact Fringe Director Farnoosh Farnia directly: farnoosh@amsterdamfringe.nl

Connected by Fringe

The Amsterdam Fringe Festival is not an end station for makers, but can be seen as a starting point.  

By providing workshops, individual coaching and performance spaces, we ensure that after Fringe, makers feel more connected to the performing arts field.   

Winners of the Fringe At Best (FAB-) Awards are personally coached by our artistic team in finding other stages at festivals and venues. This requires customization, as every performance needs a different kind of stage and trajectory.    

The winner of the International Bursary Award receives a travel grant and is linked to an international Fringe Festival of their choice to perform.    

But non-winning Fringe makers are also actively paired with venues, festivals and production houses, if we can find a good fit. In addition, Amsterdam Fringe Festival is regularly asked to curate at other events and festivals.   

This trajectory of finding more gigs and platforms for Amsterdam Fringe makers, we call ‘Connected by Amsterdam Fringe’.   


The counter is now, in October 2024, on 70 ‘connected by Amsterdam Fringe’ transfers.  

Some highlights of national theatres are: 
De Schuur (Haarlem), Bijlmer Parktheater, CC Amstel, Frascati, theater Bellevue (Amsterdam) en Grand Theater (Groningen) 

Highlights of not-theatres and festivals:  
Murf/Murw festival (Tilburg), WORM (Rotterdam), Festival Parade (meerdere steden), Patronaat (Haarlem), Moving Futures Festival (meerdere steden), Circusstad (Rotterdam), Festival Boulevard (’s-Hertogenbosch), Mezrab, Club Church en Rederij Lampedusa (Amsterdam) en Oerol Festival (Terschelling). 

International transfers: 
Tessaloniki Fringe Festival (Griekanland), Electropark Festival (Genua, Italië), Stockholm Fringe Festival (Zweden), Istanbul Fringe Festival (Turkije), Britney X Festival (Keulen, Duitsland) en Edinburgh Fringe Festival (VK). 


There were over 80 connected by Fringe transfers of AFF-acts in 2023! 

A couple of national theatres are: 
Ins Blau (Leiden), CC Amstel, Frascati theater, Theater Bellevue (Amsterdam), Verkadefabriek (’s-Hertogenbosch). 
Highlights of not-theatres and festivals:
Boring Festival (Haarlem), Club Church en Mezrab (Amsterdam), Ekko (Utrecht), Queer Arts festival (’s-Hertogenbosch), Festival Parade (meerdere steden), Moving Futures Festival (meerdere steden), Amsterdam Storytelling Festival en Oerol Festival (Terschelling). 

International transfers:
Electropark Festival (Genua, Italië), Brighton Fringe Festival (VK), Hollywood Fringe Festival (VS), Gorki Theater (Berlijn, Duitsland), Istanbul Fringe Festival (Turkije), Lagos Fringe Festival (Nigeria) 

How2Fringe Workshops

The Amsterdam Fringe team provides 6 month-workshops for Fringe makers. The main aim is to help them take the next step in their professional career as artists.   

Each How2Fringe workshop is carefully created and consists of an informative part and speed dates with people working in the arts who can help these makers further in their careers.   

The workshops are in English. 

Are you (not a Fringe) maker but interested in the workshops?   

Do you also give workshops, and do you want to collaborate?   

We are happy to share our knowledge, as long as it helps makers into taking their career a step further.  


Content of the workshops:   

How2Fringe # 1: How does Fringe work, how do other festivals work and what can they do for makers?   

How2Fringe # 2: A deep dive into fundraising, writing applications and budget plans. With speed dates with several funds, before the artists start submitting their grant applications.   

How2Fringe #3: Marketing. What is marketing and how does it benefit the makers? Where do you start and how do you use marketing to attract more audiences?   

How2Fringe #4: The professional field. Which people can help you as a maker, and how do you approach these people? Speed dating sessions with various programmers, directors, reviewers and talent developers.   

How2Fringe #5: Social media. Tips and tricks for makers to use social media, in order to get a bigger reach. 

Makers* Monday

Makers* Monday
* for makers, writers, actors, directors, dramaturgs, scenographers, programmers, producers, technicians, and other performing arts professionals.

Are you working on a performance and do you have questions about the process? Do you want to be part of a larger network? Maybe you need artistic, production, or financial support but don’t know where to find it. Or perhaps you’re unsure where to develop or present your work within the arts field and how you fit in as a maker.

Makers* Monday is here for you and it’s for free!

What questions can you ask?

Any question at all (such as about dramaturgy, budgets, marketing, artistic aspects, production, etc.), as long as it’s about your work or how you position yourself in the arts field, and not about pitching your show for sale. Makers* Monday is here to help you with the process, not to program/sell your project. There are no wrong questions. Really. We’re here for you, no matter where you are in your creative process.

How does it work?

Makers* Monday takes place on the first Monday of every month in a different city, making us accessible throughout the Netherlands.

If you want to participate, sign up at least a week in advance via the registration form. This allows us to match you with a professional from our community who can help you one-on-one with your question.

Everyone working in the performing arts is welcome. Depending on your needs, the spoken language will be English and/or Dutch. Participation is free!

Who are we?

We are a community of people working with new makers at Over het IJ, Festival Cement, VIA ZUID, Amsterdam Fringe Festival, Delft Fringe Festival, HNT/Zaal 3, Jonge Harten Festival, De Brakke Grond, Café Theater Festival, Likeminds, Bellevue and Frascati. We are joining forces to be more accessible to young makers working on new projects.


We see a lack of spaces for people working in the performing arts to learn and ask questions about their projects, to find their way in the arts field, and to build a larger or broader network.

Makers* Monday tour dates:

October 7, 2024: Den Bosch, hosted by Festival Cement

November 4, 2024: Amsterdam, hosted by Over het IJ and Amsterdam Fringe Festival

December 2, 2024: Amsterdam, hosted by Over het IJ 

January 13, 2025: Utrecht, hosted by Café Theater Festival

February 3, 2024: Delft, hosted by Delft Fringe Festival

March 3, 2025: Groningen, hosted by Jonge Harten Festival

April 7, 2025: Maastricht, hosted by VIA ZUID

May 12, 2025: Den Bosch, hosted by Festival Cement

June 2, 2025: Antwerp, hosted by detheatermaker

Each Makers* Monday runs from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM.