
support fringe

Would you like to become an official supporter of Amsterdam Fringe? That’s possible! By supporting Fringe you help us in supporting new, young and experimental performing arts talents. Where can I start, you ask? Well:



Or two. Or ten. Take all your friends to the festival and don’t hesitate about that 3rd performance of the night: the money from your ticket goes directly to the artist (70%) and venue (20%) of the performance you visit. (And yes, a little (10%) goes to the Fringe.) *


We love you too. So let’s go steady. As a Friend of Amsterdam Fringe you support us with an annual amount. This money will be spend directly on the support and guidance of the young, new and experimental artist that are part of our festival. For example, on the How2Fringe workshop series as well as the Best Of Fringe tour and artist fees.

Of course, you’ll receive a lot of love in return for your faithful friendship. As well as a MEGA-EXCLUSIVE LIMITED EDITION Fringe pin for each year you support the festival and other friend benefits:


  • 25 euro / year
  • Fringe tote bag


  • 50 euro / year
  • Fringe tote bag
  • Exclusive priority access to Fringe 2022 presale


  • 100 euro / year
  • Fringe tote bag
  • Exclusive priority access to Fringe 2022 presale
  • Invitation to the Fringe Opening (2 pers.)



  • 250 euro / year
  • Fringe tote bag
  • Exclusive priority access to Fringe 2022 presale
  • Invitation to the Fringe Opening (2 pers.)
  • Two free tickets (show of your choice) for the festival.
  • Invitation and free ticket for opening night Best Of Fringe tour (2 pers.)


Would you rather give a monetary gift without further commitment? You can use the donation button when you buy a ticket for the festival or you can donate separately from buying a ticket by transfering money to our bank account Stichting De Theaterdagen, IBAN: NL13 INGB0004814866. Please mention “Donation Amsterdam Fringe” in the remarks. Questions? Mail to: ina@amsterdamfringe.nl



When you pay income taxes in the Netherlands and if you donate more than 60 euros or pay that amount as Fringe Friend annually, you can receive extra tax refunds. Our development coordinator Yoon-Shik Boxman explains it briefly:

“Stichting De Theaterdagen (foundation), which Amsterdam Fringe is a part of, has the cultural ANBI status. In a nutshell this means that your donation is deductible from your income tax. You may deduct 125% of the donation from your pre-tax income, which gives you an extra tax refund. There are a number of rules for this deduction. To find out your exact tax benefit you can use the Fringe Gifts Calculator at https://www.anbigift.nl/fringe/.

If you donate not as a as a company (based/tax paying in the Netherlands), your donation is, under certain conditions, deductible for 150% of the net profit on the corporate income tax return! For a trial calculation for the benefit you’d enjoy, please visit https://www.anbigift.nl/fringe/.

Everyone who donates will receive a copy of the donated amount by e-mail and a current copy of our ANBI status in December so that you do not forget to report it to the tax authorities and have proof if the inspector asks for it.”



Would you like to sponsor Amsterdam Fringe as an entrepreneur or organization ? Contact Ina at ina@amsterdamfringe.nl ! We will would love to talk about what a sponsorship can do for us and for your organization!

* Makers also receive a fee in addition to the ticket sales income. Want to know more about this? Send an email to info@amsterdamfringe.nl.