A man dances on stage to a party mix. The flow of dance is interrupted by short intervals: A splash of water, a change of outfit, a shave. Gradually the state of mind of a middle-aged man is being exposed. He is not only struggling with the codes of the dancing scene but also with his own inhibitions. As a ‘die hard’ dancer, the man is out of sync with the rave scene and offbeat to the conventions outside of it.
Featuring music by DJ Marcelle, this show is a personal encounter with the public. It deals with the multilayering and at times contradicting aspects which construct our identity. In the friction between our biography, personality and the place in which we reside, we often forget to dance and do not ask ourselves enough how we wish to live and how we choose to die.
Concept, dance, choreography, music – de la Klum (Assi Weitz)
Video- Rob Gradisen
Music- DJ Marcelle
Dance coaches- Reve Teborg, Liah Frank, Naiara Mendioroz
Dramaturge- Keren Levi
Light design- Dana classen, Martin Kaffarnik, Assi Weitz,
Technique- Martin Kafarnik
Costumes: Javier Murugarren