Zuhause presents: a family drama about dealing with life-changing news, suddenly coming of age and finding small moments of happiness in a damaged, everyday situation. A surrealistic theater performance with imposing dancing, live music and text, Rotterdam style: raw and full of (black) humour.
About the boy, and his mother: on the 8th of October 2020, choreographer and dancer Davey Bakker received a phone call from his father: “Your mother found a lump in her breast, it has been examined, she has breast cancer.” Davey’s mother is a proud beautician, his father a firefighter of few words. Together they ran full speed into a wall of misery.
For this performance, Élénie Wagner, Ko van den Bosch and Davey Bakker developed a sound script with hallucinatory texts and cinematic music. The (live) music, dance and text together sketch a world full of delusions, dreams, thoughts and the struggle to accept a new reality.