
The Game

Led by two coaches, love is explored in the form of a soccer match 




duration of the performance:

Led by two coaches, love is explored in the form of a football match. What does it mean to score? What are the rules of the game anyways? The search for someone else sometimes feels like an absurd contest. Strategically, you deploy your strengths and twist yourself into corners to hide your weaknesses in order to win over the other and eliminate any competition.  

Flirting, an indispensable aspect that we all -each in our own way- have to deal with. We see flirting as a game; a one-two play, red cards and an open goal. What are we looking for? Will they score within the time of the game? Preconceptions and entrenched ways of thinking will shake to their foundations. Heart muscles will swell and throb with life after the match.  

Will it be one of those nights? Yes, it will be one of those nights! 


Concept and direction: Lisa de Kwant
Actors: Jules Aris, Sophie van Broekhoven, Joost van Dooren, Lisa de Kwant, Chanan Molenaar, Carmen Pereira-Stolle & Julius Schraven.
Music: Sem ten Haaf
The Game is sponsored by: Partycentrum Salmari, Breeze, Brouwerij ‘ IJ, IXY, Lekker Blijven Likken & Festina Lente.