
TRADWIVES de musical

A notso-traditional musical comedy about traditional wives. 

Club Satelliet 

Location: De Kleine Komedie, Theater Bellevue – Klein Bellevue


duration of the performance: 30 min

The performance in Theater Bellevue is wheelchair accessible, unfortunately the performance in the  Kleine Komedie is not wheelchair accessible.

Welcome to Dollywood! The city of tradwives (traditional wives). In this idyllic town, everyone lives the perfect life. The laundry is neatly hung on the line, the perfectly straight lawns are mowed, it always smells like freshly baked apple pie here and the children play happily in the garden. The man holds authority, and the woman wears her smile. But after a bizarre, mysterious, and repulsive discovery, cracks begin to form in their tradwife-life. 

A show about misunderstanding and the unknown. Get ready for a not-so-traditional musical where the sharp comedy and pumping music will drag you out of your bubble. 


Club Satelliet, consisting of Judith Boesen, Sterre Verschoor, and Elaine Hakkaart, is a newly born musical theatre collective that yearns for fresh, bold, and innovative musicals. Without losing sight of traditional musical conventions, they want to experiment with what musicals can be.

They create, compose, produce, and perform their debut show, TRADWIVES the musical.

In these times of strong polarisation, it’s easy to hit a sensitive nerve. They make a powerful attempt to step out of their own left-wing bubble and search for stories that are still unknown to them, shaping them into an ‘in your face’ musical.

They seek theatre that is both accessible and meaningful, driven by curiosity and interest in others. Made by a young collective and for a young(er) audience.


Concept, text, music & performance: Club Satelliet (Elaine Hakkaart, Judith Boesen, Sterre Verschoor)
Final direction: Ellen Parren
Set & costumes: MAQERIJ
Sound: Berend van Leer
Lighting: Bob Walraven & Jasper Nijholt
Text coaching: Maarten Hopman
Music coaching: Charlotte Dommershausen
Poster photography: Liza Kollau
With thanks to: Amsterdam Fringe Festival, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, Janivo Stichting, Makershuis Alkmaar, Theatergroep Toetssteen, and all the women who helped us during the preliminary research.